Sunday Worship Schedule
Fairmount Presbyterian Church welcomes all to Sunday Worship at 8:30 a.m. in the Chapel and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary and online.
The Sanctuary “Wiggle Room”
We love the joyful noise that young children and their families bring to our sacred space. Around the sanctuary, you’ll find worship bags containing books to read and pages to color. You’ll also find a “wiggle room” located in the narthex where families can go to change a diaper, where mom can nurse her child, or where little ones can experience a change of pace. We want parents to feel at home here, to make our worship place your special space.
Worship Enrichment (WE) Time takes places on the 2nd-5th Sundays of the month during the 11:00am worship service. Children in Pre-k – 3rd grade gather in room 214 to learn together more about God, the Bible, church, and each other. We ask adults to pick up your children from 214 at the conclusion of the worship service. If today is your child’s first time joining us in WE Time, we ask that an adult joins us as we move from the worship space to 214 before returning to worship.
Fairmount Parking
Fairmount is blessed with parking space. We respectfully reserve parking spaces in the parking lot immediately adjacent to the building for staff and those who cannot walk far for whatever reason. We enjoy an enormous parking lot across the street, and the on-street parking is very safe. Please be the person, if you are young and easily mobile, who makes the choice to walk a few extra steps. Remember some of our less mobile members and guests do not arrive at church before the service, and when they get here, if they find no close parking spaces, they are likely just to drive home. Let’s give them the opportunity to enjoy worship along with the rest of us.
Passing of the Peace
According to John’s Gospel, the Risen Christ appeared to his disciples as they huddled behind locked doors and offered them the gift of peace (John 20:19). We invite you to share signs of Christ’s peace with those with whom you are gathered, or to pass the peace virtually by calling, emailing, or texting your family and friends in our congregation and beyond.
Going Forth: Offering Our Gifts and Our Lives to God
With gratitude for the grace we have received, we go forth from worship to offer our energy, our hands, and part of our income in service to God. One way we respond to Christ’s call is by giving our financial gifts to further God’s mission in the world. You may mail a check to the church or make an online offering to support the many ministries of Fairmount Presbyterian Church by clicking the Give Now button in the footer of the website.
Prayer Requests at This Difficult Time
If you would like your prayer listed in our weekly Fairmount Prayer List which is sent to our prayer community, fill out this form. You can also call or email Pastor Lindsay 216-321-5800 ext. 105 with prayer concerns or to talk to a Pastor.
Sermon by Phone
We want to let you know of a new way you can connect to our weekly worship services – by phone! All you have to do is call 216-255-9353 and you will be able to hear a recording of our Sunday worship service.