Children & Family Ministry Vision Team Update
This vision team has been hard at work gathering information about our children and families, resources from the denomination and other congregations, talking with other churches and their staff about the ministry they are engaged in and what is working for them. Through all of this research, conversation, and prayer we are getting close to making a final recommendation on the direction we want to move in and the staff person we are hoping to hire to get us there! We will be looking for a person who is knowledgeable in the Bible and reformed faith, education, and children’s ministry to work 30 hours a week to provide programming and support for our children and families, with a particular focus on intergenerational ministry and service to our community. We are also in conversation with the music vision team about how we might best provide musical opportunities for children in our congregation. If you have questions or ideas for our team, please reach out to one of our members, or our chair, Gina Kashuk ( Thank you to the team members who have been serving: Michael Campbell, Denice Benton, Wrean Fiebig, and Pastor Lindsay.