Title: Women of Wonder Retreat Date: Saturday, May 11th, 2024
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Location: Fairmount Presbyterian Church
Cost:Suggested donation $30 per participant
Description: Once a cherished annual tradition, the women’s retreat returns to Fairmount! Just like women’s retreats of yesteryear, Fairmount women will come together to nurture connection, curiosity, and compassion in our community. In keeping with this year’s spiritual focus on Sabbath, the retreat is titled Women of Wonder and will invite each woman to consider Sabbath as a space to cultivate wonder. Together, we will explore: what would it look like to fully surrender our lives of striving and busy-ness? Through a playful surprise theme, supportive practices, deep conversation, and even bread baking, flower arranging, and a tea party–we will envision our lives through a lens of sabbath. Allow yourself to take a day to turn away from the hurriedness of our world and surrender to rest, making space to explore God’s invitations for your truest, deepest self. This retreat centers on the needs of adult women (e.g., those who were assigned female at birth and those who identify as female.) Questions? Contact Rev. Lindsay Harren-Lewis (lindsayhl@fpccle.org).
You may pay for the retreat online, by visiting Realm, our secure online payment portal, click here. Enter your payment amount, then drop the fund arrow all the way down to “Women’s Retreat 2024”. Hit continue, and the portal will take you to a page to enter your payment information.